I’m Damon Rawls, your candidate for Knox County Commission District 1.

Through this campaign — our campaign — I am honored to present a vision for Knox County, a place that holds a rich history and stunning natural beauty. Knox County is a community with boundless potential. Together, we can unlock that potential to make our community a beacon of progress in the region. My platform is centered on the vital foundation of business development, which is key to propelling Knox County into a prosperous and vibrant future.

East Knoxville resident — and proud.

East Knoxville holds a special place in my heart because it's where my journey as a leader and advocate truly began as a young professional with The Urban League. I've witnessed the resilience and potential of this community, and I'm deeply committed to harnessing its unique strengths for the betterment of its residents. From championing small business development through the Black Business Directory to promoting affordable housing and advocating for quality education, I believe that District 1 has the potential to thrive and set an example for our greater community. Our district’s vibrant spirit and history is what makes it special to me, and I am determined to work tirelessly to empower its residents and create positive change for everyone who calls East Knoxville home.